Yoga Classes and Online Courses...
Online Yoga Courses...
Experience special longer classes & collections of inspiring yoga practices that work together.
Giving you an on demand sadhana or retreat in your very own home. ..
Bed Yoga!

Yummy lazy practices that you can do to stretch, relax and start or end the day right. You don't even need a yoga mat!
Mindful Mama- Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnancy yoga, meditation, mantra practices and to support you in experiencing a happy, healthy pregnancy and the birth you wish for you and your little one...
(Made with my wonderful friend and certified Midwife- Sophia Ortiz)
Hatha Yoga 101

A simple and effective 7 day yoga practice to help you cover all the basics and start your very own at-home hatha yoga practice...
Yoga for Absolute Beginners..

A slow and steady series of mindful hatha yoga practices designed for people who consider themselves very much beginners. Yoga is for everyone! Here you will find a gentle and accessible series of practices for you.
Yin Yoga 101

A series of slow, relaxing and gentle yin yoga classes to help you unwind, gain flexibility, and return home to your body- a wonderful course for those wanting to dive into the gentle yet profound practice of yin.